Ergonomics continue to play a role in the workplace, with workers complaining of physical fatigue after being stationary throughout the workday. It’s easy to understand why the seat shell is the most important component of a comfortable and ergonomically functional office chair. Whenever the seat becomes uncomfortable, you begin to squirm, sit improperly, and lose the benefits of other chair functions. Recently, leading office chair manufacturers reported that a contoured seat design was being explored to be the most comfortable seat shell for prolonged sitting.
Office supply retailers are beginning to sell office chairs from the major chair manufacturers that market a contoured seat with multiple layers of foam that vary in density and thickness. This reduces the sitting pressures where the highest pressure points of the sitting posture can lead to discomfort. The Ergonomic Center of North Carolina recently confirmed the benefits of relieving seat pressure. The study proved that a contoured seat reduces seat pressure better than flat seats. Area contact weight distribution is enhanced by the wrap-around effect in the thigh area, which distributes body weight and pressure. The tenderness from prolonged sitting can be associated with the sit bones, commonly referred to as the “sitting bones”.
Contoured seats padded with a full-surface layer of foam (5.1 cm thick) as the main element also benefit when two further layers of higher-density foam (½ inch thick) are used to absorb the highest pressure points while sitting. The high-density foam virtually eliminates “bottom-out” common with low-profile seat designs.
A differentiator for the contoured seat are two unique recessed areas within the seat itself. The first recessed area is created with the heavier foam positioned lower to ensure the seat does not bottom out. Ergonomic specialists refer to this large recess as the “ish dish” because it addresses the heavy stress of sitting on the ischial tuberosity. The second recessed area is located at the rear edge of the seat and provides the softest spot on the entire seat surface for the coccyx (coccyx) area, which is known to be very sensitive.
To sum up, office workers don’t have flat bottoms, so why buy office chairs with flat seats that don’t fit the human body. A flat seat becomes uncomfortable the longer the person sits, so a company should invest in office chairs with contoured seating for their employees.