
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development said in order to successfully implement the Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy while fulfilling the tasks assigned by the Prime Minister in Decision 995/QD-TTg to formulate regulations for the National Sectoral Plan 2021-2030 has the ministry developed four national sectoral master plans with a vision by 2050, including: forestry planning; planning of the system of fishing ports and shelters for fishing vessels; planning for the protection and use of aquatic resources; Planning for civil protection and irrigation.


The draft national forest plan has been submitted to the government by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and is currently under consideration. Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Quoc Tri said that the total area of ​​forests and forest land nationwide is 16.34 million hectares, accounting for 49% of the total natural area (as of 2020). The forested area is 14.67 million ha, which corresponds to a forest cover of 42%.

In recent years, the national forest cover has increased continuously. In the period 2010-2020, more than 200,000 ha of production forests will be planted annually. According to Deputy Minister Nguyen Quoc Tri, although the forest area has increased, the quality of natural forests is not high. The productivity of planted forests is still low (average growth of 15 m3/ha/year). The potential and benefits of the forest ecosystem have not been fully realized in terms of biodiversity, CO2 absorption services and other forest environmental services. The increasing demand for socio-economic development has put pressure on forests and forest land.

“The draft National Forest Plan aims to keep the national forest cover rate at 42-43% and focus on improving forest quality. The export value of forest products is expected to reach USD 20 billion by this year. 2025. Average afforestation aims to reach 238,000 ha/year”.

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Tri, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.

The draft national forest plan aims to keep the national forest cover between 42 and 43% with a focus on improving forest quality. The export value of forest products is expected to reach US$20 billion by 2025. The average afforestation is expected to reach 238,000 ha/year.

On November 10, 2022, the National Forestry Planning Appraisal Council for the period 2021-2030 met at the seat of government with a vision to 2050, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh, Chair of the Council. The opinions of the reviewers and members of the Basic Appraisal Council greatly appreciated the draft plan.

However, there are still some points to be clarified where it is necessary to more precisely assess the connection between the forestry infrastructure system and the national transport system in order to maximize synchronization, economic and technical aspects for forestry development. Since the focus of forestry planning is on the planning of three forest types (special use forest, protection forest and commercial forest), care must be taken to ensure that these three forest types are structured in a meaningful way. Forest areas with special use and protective forests are to be clearly located on the map, the forest boundaries are to be digitized and managed uniformly from the central to the municipal level.

According to Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh, the view that forestry is an important economic sector that serves people’s lives needs to be carefully reviewed and reaffirmed the potential, role and impact of forests for sustainable development.

“The master plan needs to update more global trends to ensure the implementation of Vietnam’s international commitments, particularly the COP26 commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050,” Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said. The Deputy Prime Minister also asked the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to include as many comments as possible to correct, complete and consult with councilors before submitting them to the relevant authorities for consideration and approval, it being necessary to include the Number of areas to be checked carefully removed from planning.


According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the draft master plan for a system of fishing ports and storm shelters for fishing vessels in 2021-2030 has been submitted to the government with a vision to 2050. By 2030, according to the draft, there will be 176 fishing ports across the country, including 37 Class 1 fishing ports; 90 class 2 fishing ports and 49 class 3 fishing ports, covering the total amount of seafood passing through the port, about 2 million 960 tons / year, and 160 berths to avoid storms for fishing vessels, including: 30 regional zones, 130 flat zones province, providing the anchoring needs of about 90,600 fishing vessels.

The total land and water area requirements according to the planning of the fishing port system and storm shelters for fishing vessels are expected to be approximately 6,117 ha by 2030, including the total land use requirement of approximately 1,038 ha and the total water land use requirement is approximately 5,079 ha.

The total investment capital requirements for the basic infrastructure of fishing ports and fishing vessel storm shelters is expected to be VND 60,370 billion by 2030, which will be mobilized mainly from the budget to create spillover effects, attraction and other legitimate sources of capital.

After receiving the draft from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for submission, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh issued Resolution No.1150/QD-TTg on September 30, 2022 establishing the Port Planning Assessment Council for Fisheries, Storm Protection for Fishing Boats in 2021 – 2030 , with a vision to 2050. Accordingly, Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh is appointed to chair the assessment council of this planning.

For the remaining two master plans, including the aquatic resource protection and utilization master plan and the natural disaster prevention and response master plan, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has completed the consultation process with experts and ministries and branches in a hurry to finalize and the to submit to government.

Currently, the number of fishing boats in the country is about 91,700 vessels. With the new target set out in the draft master plan that Vietnam will reduce more than 8,000 vessels by 2030, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is in the final stages before presenting the plan to protect and harness the water to the Prime Minister for approval aquatic resources 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050, the number of fishing vessels will be reduced.

At the same time, 59 aquatic resource protection zones, 63 fishing ban areas for a limited time and 27 artificial habitat areas for aquatic species will be established and formed. At the same time, the fisheries sector 113 preserves endangered, precious, rare, native, endemic genetic resources with economic and scientific value; Protecting the natural reproductive migration routes of 32 aquatic species including 20 species of fish, 5 species of sea turtle, 2 species of shrimp, 4 species of squid and 1 species of crab.

In the inland area, water protection is planning 63 protected areas, 14 of which are on the lake and 49 on the river. In addition, 53 areas with a temporary fishing ban were designated, of which 19 zones are lakes and 34 areas are rivers.

In order to achieve the above objectives, the fisheries sector plans to delineate the protection of aquatic resources and conservation of biodiversity over an area of ​​2.89 million hectares (about 2.89% of the total sea area). Of this, 0.4 million ha are in the marine reserve; the fishing ban area with a duration of approx. 1.75 million ha; Aquatic resource protection zone is about 0.65 million ha; artificial habitat for aquatic species is about 25,300 ha.

The content of the article was published in the special issue Xuan Quy Mao of Vietnam Economic Magazine, published on January 23, 2023. Welcome readers to read This:


Completion of the National Forestry and Fisheries Sector Plans - Photo 1


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By Martine

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