
On the afternoon of November 30, 2022, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan issued Directive No. 8084/CT-BNN-TT on Sustainable Development of Durian and Passion Fruit Production.


The guideline states that durian and passion fruit production in our country has been growing rapidly in recent years in terms of area, production and export value.

Don't let the durian get into one

Some key locations producing durian and passion fruit have formed concentrated commodity production areas linked to production, processing and consumption systems. create jobs and increase income, enrich farmers; Contribute positively to the growth, improve position, market share of the fruit and vegetable industry in general and Vietnamese durian and passion fruit in particular in the world market.

From July 2022, Vietnamese durian and passion fruit fruits will be officially exported to the Chinese market, which is a great opportunity for production. Besides the opportunities and achievements, durian and passion fruit production and export, our country also faces many shortcomings, risks and challenges.

“It is recommended that farmers do not spontaneously expand durian and passion fruit acreage in areas with unsuitable soil and irrigation conditions; do not spontaneously cut other crops to switch to new durian plantings; do not spontaneously convert durian and pepper coffee gardens in the central highlands to effectively grow durian trees.

Mr. Le Minh Hoan, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.

That said, many places have hot development in terms of area and are expanding replanting in areas where there is no benefit; trimming other crops on the fly to switch to new durian; Implementing an effective conversion of durian and pepper coffee gardens in the central highlands to durian-only cultivation…

Management of seedling quality, especially management of some viral diseases in passion fruit seedlings should be further improved; Many rural households and production areas still practice unsustainable agriculture.

Small-scale production is still popular; Production organizations, enterprises investing in processing, building raw material areas, participating in the production and consumption chain are still limited. The area that has been assigned growing area codes and the number of packers that have received codes to qualify for official export to China are still very small compared to the existing total area and production of passion fruit and durian.

In order to develop highly efficient and sustainable durian and passion fruit production, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development calls for: provincial and centrally-run city people’s committees. Order the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to review the area of ​​durian and passion fruit Development of production development projects/plans in the region by concentrated area; associated with investments in infrastructure, packaging, pre-processing and processing facilities.

The production scale must comply with the content of the Decision No. 4085/QD-BNN-TT of October 27, 2022 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development approving the key fruit tree development project by 2020, 2025 and 2030.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development urged the provinces to urgently study and develop an application dossier for the relevant growing area code and packaging facility for durian and passion fruit for export. Carry out the inspection and supervision of the granting, management and use of planting area codes and packing plants eligible for official export to China, promptly detect and deal with instances of identity forgery, fraud and code misuse.


The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development suggested that the Vietnamese Fruit and Vegetable Association continue to guide and mobilize companies to actively support and collaborate with durian and passion fruit growers. Allocation and use of the code of the cultivation area, the packaging company approved for export; Buy, process and consume products effectively.

The Minister tasked the Department of Cultivation – Leading and Leading Places to review durian and passion fruit areas towards the formation of a concentrated commodity production area of ​​reasonable scale according to the key fruit tree development project by 2025 and 2030.

Simultaneously lead the organization of regional connections and connect places to spread the effective durian harvest. On the other hand, reviewing and proposing the development of standards and regulations for durian and passion fruit seedlings; disease free passion fruit nursery.

The Minister instructs the Plant Protection Department to increase coordination with local authorities in developing codes for planting areas and packing plants for export; proposes solutions to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to speed up digital approval by the General Administration of Customs of China or by the plant quarantine authorities of other importing countries.

“Review and Proposal for the Development of Standards and Regulations for Pre-Processed and Processed Durian and Passion Fruit Products; Conditions for Pre-Processing and Processing Facilities of Durian and Passion Fruit”.

Mr. Le Minh Hoan, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development suggested that the relevant departments of the Ministry and local authorities should develop mechanisms and policies to support and encourage enterprises to invest in pre-processing, preservation and storage facilities (especially deep processing) of products from durian, passion fruit.

The Minister tasked the Department of Agricultural Product Processing and Market Development as the focal point for researching and widely disseminating signed Free Trade Agreements and providing information on food safety under SPS regulations; coordinate with Vietnamese diplomatic and trade agencies abroad to provide market information, food safety guidelines, plant quarantine, etc.

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment prioritizes the development and implementation of scientific and technological projects to select, breed and improve durian and passion fruit varieties with good yield and good quality that meet the needs of the export market, tolerate dangerous pests and adapt to climate change ; Research topics on harmful organisms and effective control measures on durian and passion fruit trees.

The National Center for Agricultural Advisory Services develops and implements a training program for grassroots officials and farmers who produce durian and passion fruit to organize joint production in large commodity areas, and promotes new techniques, agricultural processes that save input, raise awareness and responsiveness to climate change .


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By Martine

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