
The results of black-stripe dwarf virus inspection in some northern provinces show that there is a very high risk of black-stripe dwarf disease outbreak in the 2023 rice crop.

On July 24, the Ministry of Plant Protection sent a document to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of northern provinces and cities on strengthening the prevention and control of dwarf black stripe disease in the 2023 rice season.

According to the Ministry of Plant Protection, more than 725,900 ha of rice have currently been sown in the northern provinces and cities (from Thanh Hoa) in the 2023 season, including about 443,100 ha in the Red River Delta and about more than 282,800 ha in the Northern Midlands and Mountains region. Currently is the peak season – late rice is in the seedling stage – greening, tillering. This is a very sensitive period for dwarf rice black streak disease.

Black-line dwarfism is a dangerous disease that causes heavy casualties in the northern provinces.  Photo: TL.

Black-line dwarfism is a dangerous disease that causes heavy casualties in the northern provinces. Picture: tsp.

In the field, brown planthoppers and planthoppers cause damage in a confined space, the density of adult planthoppers is higher than in the same period last year. Planthoppers are expected to begin to breed from late July to early August. Hot weather alternating with rain showers in the coming period will favor cicadas flowering and increase density.

According to the results of virus assessment on July 14-20: In Nam Dinh, 27/49 samples of cicadas were positive for black-striped dwarf virus (which accounts for more than 55%); in Thai Binh, 4/36 planthopper samples were positive for black-striped dwarf virus (more than 11%); In Hai Phong, 5/330 hopper samples were positive for black stripe dwarf virus (representing more than 1.5%). The inspection results show that the 2023 rice crop is currently at very high risk of outbreaks of black stripe dwarf disease.

In view of the above situation, in order to protect the production of 2023 rice crop well, the Ministry of Plant Protection suggested that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the northern provinces/cities entrust the relevant local authorities and units to carry out the following tasks:

– Thai Binh, Nam Dinh and Hai Phong provinces (locally detected planthopper samples positive for dwarf rice black-stripe disease):

+ Zoning the area where aphids respond positively to the virus that causes dwarf black-stripe disease by spraying to eliminate vector planthoppers.

+ Continue to collect samples of planthoppers from rice fields near areas where planthoppers transmit black-stripe dwarf disease virus to rice and in high-risk areas to closely monitor the source of planthoppers transmitting black-stripe dwarf disease virus to rice.

+ Strict implementation of Directive No. 9556/CT-BNN-BVTV of November 15, 2017 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to strengthen the prevention and control of rice-damaging dwarf black-stripe disease in northern provinces and cities; Instructions in the official notice No. 1317/BVTV-TV of May 24, 2018 of the Plant Protection Department on the technical procedure for the control of dwarf black stripe disease in rice.

The Plant Protection Agency proposed to increase the study and monitoring of the density of planthoppers in light traps and in the field.  Photo: TL.

The Plant Protection Agency proposed to increase the study and monitoring of the density of planthoppers in light traps and in the field. Picture: tsp.

– Other provinces and cities:

+ Strengthen study and monitoring of leafhopper density in light traps and in the fields, especially in areas where rice was just planted in the 2023 season; Collect samples of leafhoppers and actively identify the source of the leafhopper disease as a basis for timely and effective application of preventive measures.

+ Good implementation of propaganda on the situation of harmful organisms for winter rice, measures for the care and prevention of pests and diseases in winter rice, especially black stripe dwarf disease that harms people in rice.

+ Maintain information and reporting systems from local to central in accordance with regulations for timely coordination and governance.

The Ministry of Plant Protection recommends that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of northern provinces/cities regularly report the implementation situation and difficulties and problems to the Plant Protection Department (through the Plant Protection Department) so that it can be dealt with in a timely manner.


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By Martine

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