When you find out that your husband is cheating or otherwise seeking a relationship with another woman, you can feel heartache right away.
There are many shades and styles of affairs, including:
* an active crush with heavy flirting
* an emotional, non-sexual affair
* a one night stand
* a full-fledged, ongoing sexual and emotional affair
What hurts even more is that you may suspect or even have evidence as to who the other woman is. Maybe you even know them. She could be a colleague of his that you met at a party. Or she could be a neighbor, a church member, or an old friend or flame of his.
As you deal with all of these emotions coming up because of what you’ve found out about your husband’s affair, one of your first instincts is probably to find a way to keep her away from your husband.
If your man is being pursued by another woman or is in a romantic relationship with her, here are 5 tips on how to get a woman to leave your man alone:
1. If you live in certain US states, you could make them aware of the “alienation of affection” law:
The first tactic you might consider to get this nuisance out of your family’s business is a legal one. There is a class of law known in legal parlance as “alienation of affection.” If it is proven to be applicable in your case, the woman could be liable with fines of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Note that at the time of writing these laws only applied to the states of North Carolina, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Dakota, Utah, Hawaii, and Illinois.
2. However, the legal way is probably not the most effective:
Even in the few states that do have affection alienation laws on the books, those laws are not enforced very frequently—perhaps making their enforcement impractical in many adultery cases.
3. Consider calling or sending her a letter to let her know you know what’s going on:
Another option, which is easier for everyone involved and could help you get on with your life more quickly, is to get in touch with the other woman by visiting, calling, or writing her. Let her know that you know what she’s up to and that you want her to break up with your husband forever.
One potential downside to this option, however, is that if your facts are somehow wrong and she’s not actually having an affair with your husband, you could potentially expose yourself to liability for a personal molestation charge. Not only that, but you also have to consider: you don’t really know who this woman is. If she’s a little crazy or not quite there, you might open up a deadly attraction type situation. That wouldn’t be nice.
4. Appeal to her better nature by informing her of all the pain and suffering she is involved in:
Another approach you could try is to politely set up a meeting with the woman (provided you are sure you have your facts straight; see #3 above) and simply ask her to stop him hold true. Appeal to her good side by expressing how much harm she is causing your family.
5. Your best leverage is with your husband:
All of the above solutions, even if they prove successful, have a downside: getting the other woman to stop cheating with your husband doesn’t solve the root of the problem, which is this fact: your husband made a conscious choice to have you deceive. By just addressing the other woman’s role in the situation, what’s stopping him from doing it again and again? You must work with your husband to end not only this affair but also his desire to engage in future affairs.
Follow these 5 tips to end your husband’s affair with another woman.