
On February 22, the National Steering Committee 389 held a conference to review the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods in 2022, and the direction and key tasks in 2023. The National Steering Committee 389 chaired by Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phuc .


Speaking at the conference, the permanent deputy head of the National Steering Committee 389, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phuc, commended the efforts of the 389 steering committees of ministries, branches and functional forces in the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeiting.

“However, in the coming period, there is a need to continue identifying key areas, fields and industries to find the right solution to hit the lines and groups and take a severe form of punishment for deterrence,” Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen said Xuan Phuc head of the Standing Committee of the National Steering Committee 389 noted.

At the same time, in 2023, it is necessary to put the propaganda and dissemination of laws at the forefront, in order to timely and accurately reflect the situation and the results of the fight against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting; negative manifestations and shortcomings in the official activities of the functional forces.

At the same time, do good policy and law propaganda, mobilize people not to participate, support smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods…

The steering committee 389 of the ministries and branches continued to lead the functional forces to promote the application of science and technology in the fight against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting; Strengthen coordination, network, share and provide information appropriate to the new situation…


Earlier, the head of the Standing Bureau of National Steering Committee 389 Le Thanh Hai reported at the conference that the findings in 2022 led the ministries, branches, functional units, units and localities to detect and arrest 139,758 violators. an increase of 1.17% over the same period in 2021.

According to it, entities and places have detected and arrested 11,945 cases of buying, selling and transporting prohibited and contraband goods, down 17.75% from the same period in 2021; 124,121 cases of economic fraud, tax fraud, an increase of 2.36% over the same period in 2021; 3,692 cases of production, sale and transportation of counterfeit goods, poor quality goods, goods infringing intellectual property rights, a sharp increase of 56.51% over the same period in 2021.

By dealing with violations of the collection and payment of the state budget of VND12,829 billion, down 29.92% from the same period in 2021; simultaneously prosecuting 642 cases, a decrease of 68.96% from the same period in 2021; and 720 subjects, a decrease of 73.86% from the same period in 2021.

Through inspection, detection and arrest of violators, National Steering Committee 389 officials also identified many methods and tricks used by smugglers, trade scammers and illegal movement of goods across the border…

In particular, “at the border line, the leader hires people who will familiarize themselves with the terrain, collect goods in the opposite foreign territory, wait for favorable opportunities, use appropriate means of transporting goods across the river. , streams, trails, openings, or directly transport goods through forests, hills, border trails, or tearing them apart and mixing them with official goods being transported to Vietnam,” Mr Hai said.

In the event of detection or arrest, subjects transporting prohibited goods and other goods often leave their vehicles and exhibits to escape, to avoid arrest or criminal dealings, or to vigorously resist or incite pressure against law enforcement officials to fight, rob and scatter the goods just captured.

At border crossings and seaports, people who take advantage of the establishment and management of companies and commercial contracts by legal entities register their headquarters at a false address.

In addition, the subject also used open regulations in the declaration of import and export of goods, bonded warehousing, risk management in the automatic goods clearance system, and post-customs inspection to smuggle and declare false names, quantities, types and values, fraudulent origin mixed with officially imported goods ; or breaking seals, distributing goods in transit or smuggling goods after temporary importation, re-exportation or transit of goods; or subdivide or appoint someone to transport prohibited goods, used goods, goods that do not meet the conditions and standards for importation into Vietnam.

At home, the subjects used e-commerce platforms, social networking sites, online sales applications, postal services and express delivery to manufacture, trade, transport and store goods, prohibited, contraband goods, goods of unknown origin, counterfeit goods , poor quality goods, goods infringing intellectual property rights; Use limited knowledge, psychology of foreign goods, cheap goods to mix counterfeit goods, poor quality onions, goods infringing intellectual property rights with genuine goods, tricks to sell to consumers in residential areas, rural areas…

Phó Head of Standing Committee of National Steering Committee 389, Minister of Tâi Chânh Ho Duc Phuc, Chairman;  Conference.
Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the National Steering Committee 389, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phuc chaired the conference.

Detailed information on the situation of smuggling and illegal transport of goods across the Vietnam-China land border, the National Steering Committee 389 said smuggling activities have decreased significantly and there are no hotspots for smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods.

The subjects mainly used the export and import procedures for commodities such as lychees, frozen foods, confectionery, agricultural products, household goods, etc. through the border gates of Quang Ninh provinces. , Lang Son, Cao Bang, Laos Cai for trade fraud, tax evasion, conditional importation of goods, goods infringing intellectual property rights,” Hai said.

As for the Vietnam-Laos border, smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods have complicated developments in late 2022; illegal trade and transportation of fireworks, explosives, cigarettes, wildlife products, sugar, cosmetics, modern medicines, precious woods, alcohol, beer, livestock, poultry, livestock commodities…crossing the border of Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri…


According to estimates by the 389 Steering Committee, in 2022 the 389 steering committees of ministries, branches and municipalities will develop and effectively implement programmes, plans and themes; At the same time, many cases and violations can be detected and dealt with in a timely manner to prevent hotspots of smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods.

However, the 389 Steering Committee also openly pointed out its existence and limitations.

Accordingly, some party committees, local authorities and functional forces are not really decisive in some areas, often did not pay attention to drastic directions, did not actively grasp the situation and did not act well. In areas and issues, there is no time and effective solution while Smuggling and illegal transportation of prohibited goods, contraband, trade fraud and counterfeit goods still occur in the areas they administer.

“Results of detection, prevention and treatment of cases, in particular cases of manufacture, trade and transportation of prohibited and counterfeit goods, violations of intellectual property rights, activities exploiting the commercial environment, etc. E-commerce for smuggling, commercial fraud, purchase and sale, transport of prohibited goods, smuggled goods, counterfeit goods of origin … is still within limits, only stops when identifying and processing small cases, retailers, transport companies, temporary workers, etc., are not appropriate to the actual situation,” emphasized the 389 Steering Committee.

Representatives from a number of functional units such as Border Guard, Maritime Police and Economic Police also mentioned difficulties in carrying out their official duties.

That is, a number of mechanisms and policies have loopholes, flaws, have not been changed and supplemented in time, which are loopholes that can be exploited by subjects for smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods.

At the same time, the work of exchanging, sharing, providing information, coordinating to fight, prevent and treat is still a formality, has not given full expression to the synergy of branches, forces and places; The operational financing of the functional staff has not yet met the requirements of the task in the new situation….


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By Martine

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