“Every person of value must be a radical and a rebel, because his goal must be to make things better than they are.” – Neils Henrik David Bohr (1885-1962), Danish physicist – Nobel Prize in Physics – 1922.
Creativity and imagination are masterful tools that are often underused to achieve desired results. Most of us are addicted to doing things, which often keeps us stuck in the familiar. When faced with the dilemma of which direction to go, tapping into your imagination will bring out the genius in you. However, there is one requirement in business to produce amazing results: inspiration (aka energy field, intuition, gut feeling, spiritual guide).
When you are guided by inspiration, you combine forces that are not visible to the naked eye. The world is made of energy that transmits vibrational frequencies. George Meek in his book After We Die What Then? explains that the form of all matter depends on the level of the vibration frequency. To illustrate, he explains the changing frequencies of the water. Water changes from ice to liquid, to vapor, and to an invisible vapor as the temperature of the water changes. The vibrational frequency of the water also changes. The high density of ice has a very low frequency; while the invisible, lower-density water vapor contains a higher vibrational frequency that is imperceptible to the human eye.
The frequency most of us rely on is the denser vibration of our five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Combine the energies of higher frequencies of inspiration with denser vibrations to give the genius in you the space to use your imagination and creativity to achieve desired results.
Inspiration is spiritual intelligence available 24/7 – 24/7. Most of us try to solve problems with our brain’s denser frequency. The irony is that logic comes from inspiration. The less we use the energy available to each of us from the invisible energy of imagination, the more we limit the availability of our potential. We are energy beings. The integration of the higher frequency of imagination and the denser frequency of physicality creates an awareness of unlimited potential.
Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, Marie Curie, William James, Mother Teresa, and Niels Bohr are great examples of people who were not limited by their five senses. Science is expanding its scope from physics to include quantum physics and vibrational medicine.
“New scientific ideas never spring from any organized collective body, but from the head of an individually inspired researcher wrestling with his problems in solitary thoughts, concentrating all his thinking on a single point, which for the moment is his whole world. ” – Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (1858-1947) – German physicist is considered the founder of quantum theory.
*Questions Contain the Answers: Flowing to Greater Outcomes*
1. What would you like to strive for?
2. Why do you want it?
3. What’s so important about it?
4. How would you feel if you were successful?
5. What is the difference between inspired action and ought?
6. Do you feel the difference between inspired action and action commanded by an ought?
*Tips on using invisible forces to attract your desires*
1. Visualize something you want to achieve and that inspires you. Ought are negative vibrations.
2. Remember to integrate higher and lower density vibrational frequencies.
3. Keep your vision alive by putting it on paper, on your computer, or on your bedside table. This creates a deposit of vibrations that draw what you want closer to you.
4. Think of a name for your vision, e.g. B. “Millionaire in Action” or “Nice Home” or “Dream Vacation/Job” etc.
5. Dare to challenge your imagination by asking “What if?”
Inspired visions create positive energy fields that create flow and reduce stress.
“Life isn’t easy for any of us. But what about it? We have to have perseverance and most importantly, have faith in ourselves. We have to believe that we are gifted and that that goal must be achieved at all costs.” – Maria Sklodowska-Curie (1867-1934) – The first woman to receive a Nobel Prize in Physics B in 1903 was the first person to receive two with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911.
Remember – anything is possible!