
The Vietnam Provincial Competitiveness Index 2022 report conducted a survey of over 8,000 domestic private enterprises in 63 provinces and cities, over 2,000 start-up enterprises and nearly 1,300 foreign direct investment (FDI) enterprises just announced by the Vietnam Federation of Trade and Industry (VCCI).

Research shows that many companies will continue to face difficulties in the recovery and growth process after 2022.

This has improved the quality of provincial economic management. 89% of companies agree that “officials get the job done effectively”; 87% of companies said “officials are friendly”; 82% of companies agree that “Companies don’t have to go back and forth many times to complete procedures”.

When it came to the statements “simple paperwork” and “time to deal with the authorities faster than the law”, the companies’ agreement rate was 81% and 86%, respectively.


The burden of complying with inspection procedures also continued to decrease over time. The proportion of companies that will need to receive 3 or more inspection teams in 2022 has dropped to 7.39%.

According to Mr. Dau Anh Tuan, Deputy Secretary General of the VCCI, this is a big change considering the evolution of this indicator in the years 2017-2022. In 2017, this rate reached almost 22%. Likewise, the percentage of companies reporting duplicate content in inspections and audits in 2022 is 6.69%, compared to 13.46% in 2017.

PCI Ranking 2022
PCI Ranking 2022

Despite notable progress, the government’s steering committee for PAR said there was still a situation of “delay in resolution and return of administrative-level results”.

Individuals or businesses “must continue to contact the one-stop shop for officials directly for guidance and requests to scan documents and documents on the spot,” although the process will be conducted online.

If in 2021 about 31.9% of the companies rated that “departments and branches do not strictly follow the guidelines and guidelines of the heads of provinces and cities”, this value has increased to 45.2% in 2022.

Similarly, 50.4% of companies that participated in the 2022 survey reported that “county and city governments are not properly implementing policies and policies of provincial and city leaders,” significantly more than the results of the 2021 survey ( 36%).

The report also pointed out that the three areas of administrative procedures that companies perceive to be most problematic are taxes and fees, site clearance, and social security.

The proportion of domestic companies that find tax and fee procedures problematic in 2022 will increase by almost 6 percentage points compared to 2021 (35% of selected companies), with FDI companies accounting for 27%; site clearance (29%), social security (20%), fire safety (13%) and construction (13%).

Among the tax administration procedures, the group of companies reporting problems with the tax accounts accounted for the largest share at around 49%, followed by the phase of application for tax exemption and reduction (29%) and tax refund (21%).


The rate of businesses facing difficulties in 2022 is higher than the corresponding rate in 2021 at three stages of the process, including: tax return, tax return completion (filing returns), and tax payment. It is noteworthy that while the difference between 2021 and 2022 in tax filing and tax payment is quite small, the proportion of companies experiencing difficulties with tax filing has increased significantly, from around 25% (in 2021) to 49% (in 2022) has increased.

“Many instances of tax filing issues appear to be related to the nationwide rollout of mandatory e-invoices to replace paper invoices from July 1, 2022, especially micro and small businesses originating from household businesses are still familiar with paper invoices. said Mr. Tuan.

The hassle with taxes and fees arises not only from compliance difficulties, but also from other specialized management activities. The average number of hours per tax audit in 2022 is 9 hours, compared to the results in 2021 and 2020 (5 hours and 8 hours, respectively).

The content of the article was published in Vietnam Economic Review No. 16-2023, issued on April 17, 2023. Welcome readers to read The:


The image of national economic management in 2022: there are still


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By Martine

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