
With the definition of the agricultural sector in the Mekong Delta provinces, as well as institutes, schools and companies, the time was “ripe” for the establishment of the Center for Agricultural Mechanization in the Mekong Delta.

expectations of the locations

To establish functions and tasks for the Mekong Delta agricultural mechanization center, to solve the existing synchronous mechanization problems in the region and to put the center into operation soon, it is very difficult. . Therefore, the leaders of the agricultural sector in the Mekong Delta have generated a lot of enthusiasm and expectations.

According to Mr. Tran Thai Nghiem, deputy director of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Can Tho City, the current practice of agricultural production in the Mekong Delta tends to shift labor from agriculture to non-agriculture, with production complying with regulations corresponds to tissue. Therefore, the need for mechanization becomes urgent in the coming period.


Mekong Delta Agricultural Mechanization Center to create a training space, support training and research, and propose policies to promote the application of mechanization in the region. Picture: its metal.

In addition, the degree of utilization of mechanization of part of the work is still limited, most of the mechanization teams are trained through experience and guidance. Some highly technical devices require skill to be effective. Besides, the field of agricultural machinery in Can Tho city is still limited, the equipment, especially the modern ones, is very difficult in the process of service, damage and repair.

Therefore, Mr. Nghiem expected that the establishment of the Mekong Delta Agricultural Mechanization Center would help the city’s agricultural sector to promote the application of synchronous mechanization. At the same time, the center will create a training space, support mechanized serviceman training and research, and propose policies that the city can use to promote the application of mechanization in the region. In addition, the center will be a place for demonstration, maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment, especially modern equipment serving the needs of agricultural, forestry and fisheries production and processing.

Mr. Le Van Dang, deputy director of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Soc Trang Province, shared the same view and suggested that the Mekong Delta Agricultural Mechanization Center should be set up soon. Because the center will be the place where equipment and machines for mechanization will be made available for the entire Mekong Delta. However, Mr. Dang said the center’s founding project should pay attention to win-win strategies to attract cooperatives and enterprises to participate. According to Mr. Dang, experts must carefully study each country and terrain of the places in the region so as to develop suitable and adaptable products.

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Mr Le Van Dang, deputy director of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Soc Trang Province, said more centers will be set up for the agricultural sector in Soc Trang Province to help farmers access and apply mechanization. Picture: its metal.

At present, the leaders of Soc Trang Province are keen to build the Mekong Delta Agricultural Mechanization Center. In parallel with the establishment of the center, a support center will be set up opposite the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Soc Trang Province, which will create conditions for farmers to access and apply mechanization. And the Mekong Delta Agricultural Mechanization Center will be an environment for the province to have a base to send troops to participate in the training.

“The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Soc Trang Province will advise the Provincial People’s Committee to issue guidelines, develop plans based on them, and organize propaganda for farmers and cooperatives to raise their awareness and apply mechanization gradually, synchronously gradually towards automation in agricultural production,” said Mr. Dang.

The agricultural sector of An Giang Province also expects that the Mekong Delta Agricultural Mechanization Center will be a place where many applications of mechanization for production will be researched and developed. From here farmers have the opportunity to receive training, technical training in the operation, maintenance and use of mechanized equipment. The center is also a platform for companies to collaborate with farmers on a large scale in agricultural production, creating the motivation to establish mechanized service cooperatives on site at every stage of agricultural production.

Huynh Dao Nguyen, director of An Giang Agricultural Extension Center, hopes that in the project to set up the Mekong Delta Agricultural Mechanization Center, experts will need to do calculations, create a learning space and share experiences between researchers and farming management agencies to develop agricultural policies for the propose mechanized development. For the machinery and equipment for production, which is practical and suitable for the Mekong Delta fields, most importantly, the price is reasonable, accepted and boldly used by farmers. The center can also serve as a place where the quality of machinery and equipment for production is controlled and inspected to ensure safety for users.

It’s time”

Prof. Dr. Ha Thanh Toan, rector of Can Tho University, agreed with the views and suggested setting up a project to set up the Mekong Delta Agricultural Mechanization Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Currently, Can Tho University Branch is located in Hoa An Township, Phung Hiep District (Hau Giang Province), covering an area of ​​over 100ha. The advantage of this branch is that it is located in the center of agricultural production in the region, which is very suitable for building an agricultural mechanization center. Prof. Dr. Ha Thanh Toan suggested that Can Tho University can allocate about 5 hectares of land at this branch for the construction of Mekong Delta Agricultural Mechanization Center.

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Mr. Truong Chi Thanh, Director of Yanmar Agricultural Research Institute Vietnam, confirmed that Yanmar Vietnam is willing to accompany and participate in the establishment of the Mekong Delta Agricultural Mechanization Center. Picture: its metal.

Yanmar Vietnam Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd (Yanmar Vietnam) – one of the large companies that manufactures and supplies all kinds of mechanized machinery and equipment for agricultural production, surveyed the land in the hope of establishing a center for conducting care and Wanting to set up maintenance for Yanmar’s engine system. Given the importance of establishing the Agricultural Mechanization Center in the Red River Delta, Yanmar Vietnam leaders held in-depth discussions on the establishment of the center. Enterprises in particular want to understand the center’s criteria, policies and activities, and are willing to set up the Mekong Delta Agricultural Mechanization Center together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Truong Chi Thanh, director of Yanmar Agricultural Research Institute Vietnam, said that not only Yanmar Vietnam but also many domestic and foreign units agree and want to contribute to the establishment of the Mekong Delta Machine Building Center. On the side of Yanmar Vietnam, the company has participated in many research activities on machinery and equipment with Can Tho University, so there are many benefits of supporting the operation of the Mekong Delta Agricultural Mechanization Center.

Mr. Thanh stressed that Can Tho University has many advantages to participate in the establishment of the center. Because right at the Polytechnic School of Can Tho University there are key workers in the field of land mechanics who have approached the models of the mechanization centers of the world. These cadres are very interested and would like to set up such a center in Vietnam.

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The time to set up the agricultural mechanization center in the Mekong Delta is “ripe”. Picture: its metal.

Previously, Hau Giang Province also wanted to accompany the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to set up the Mekong Delta Agricultural Mechanization Center. Ngo Minh Long, director of the Hau Giang Provincial Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, said the province recently proposed to invest in and build an agricultural mechanization center in the Mekong Delta in the heavy-industrial agricultural zone by the highway . Currently, the Provincial Professional Chamber is conducting the land survey procedures. When convenient, the Mekong Delta Agricultural Mechanization Center will be connected to the Can Tho – Ca Mau National Road. Hau Giang Province is determined to coordinate with Can Tho University and mechanization companies to develop the idea of ​​establishing the center.

It can be said that the time is “ripe” for the establishment of the Center for Agricultural Mechanization in the Mekong Delta. And of course there are many topics for experts and local agriculture in the Mekong Delta to think about and discuss. In the immediate future, the center is to be organized and implemented to facilitate the establishment and promote its effectiveness in order to achieve the end of the history of synchronous mechanization for the Mekong Delta region and the whole country.


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By Martine

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