
According to Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Do Thang Hai, in the context of a more difficult world economy, high global inflation, rising interest rates and currency devaluation in many countries, etc., along with Vietnam’s system of trade promotion agencies, constantly endeavored by the government, to carry out tasks assigned to the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Enterprises.


In the past year 2022, the trade promotion department organized and coordinated hundreds of trade programs, online conferences or face-to-face and online collaborations with foreign partners in the fields of agricultural products, processed food and consumer goods, machinery manufacturing, supporting industries, textiles, shoes, logistics directly on site. .. in major and potential export markets such as the United States, China, China, Japan, EVFTA, CPTPP, South Asia, Africa, …

In particular, over 60 online export consultations were held to provide information on international obligations on export and import products, regulations, standards and export conditions. Imports with Vietnamese export products with strengths and potentials (rice, tea, dragon fruit, cashew nuts, aquatic products, furniture, industrial products. ..) from countries and markets around the world (Korea, China, Japan, Australia, Switzerland, Africa, Europe, America…).

However, Mr. Vu Ba Phu, director of the Department of Trade Promotion, also said that in 2022, trade promotion still has many difficulties and limitations. These are limited resources, the financial support mechanism for trade facilitation activities has not been adjusted in a timely manner.

Vietnam's nôs products were featured at the Hàn National Fair.
Agricultural products from Vietnam are presented at the Korean fair.

In addition, the organizational model of trade promotion agencies in the municipalities has not been unified, causing difficulties for trade promotion agencies at both central and local levels, and causing difficulties in unifying the conduct of trade promotion activities associations.

Many trade facilitation organizations have not really actively invested in research and innovation in the implementation of trade facilitation activities, have not actively improved the trade facilitation capacity in their organizations, so trade facilitation activities continue to follow the same path.

From the business perspective, Mr. Phu said that many companies are still not actively and actively seeking information, mechanisms and policies, market research, partner evaluation, coordination with trade promotion organizations, etc., develop plans and participate in the implementation of trade promotion activities to To take advantage of market opportunities, especially markets with free trade agreements.

There is still a lack of professional human resources with foreign languages, trade promotion negotiation skills, the ability to understand modern consumption, know how to update information technology to carry out trade promotion and sales promotion activities export to the international market.

Many companies have not consciously invested in product development, instead focusing on improving and controlling product quality, improving competitiveness and complying with import market regulations related to quality and hygiene, food safety, traceability and non-tariff technical barriers.


Deputy Minister Do Thang Hai said that in 2023, the global economic context continues to face many difficulties, with forecasts of slowing growth, rising inflation, the possibility of a short-term recession and problems of armed conflicts, natural disasters, epidemics…

“In this context, the trade promotion agency, trade promotion agencies of ministries, branches, municipalities and related entities have the important task of promoting and improving the effectiveness of trade promotion measures. Trade progress in 2023,” Mr. Hai said.

In 2023, the department will promote brand building and brand development at all levels from country to product line. Promote the application of information technology and digital transformation in trade promotion.

At the same time, promoting trade connection activities, penetrating import-export markets such as organizing online trade connection activities with export markets…

At the beginning of 2023, Ms. Xuan said that exports will be extremely difficult in the first half of the year, especially for major markets such as the US and EU, which account for 80% of the total export sales of the entire industry. Therefore, the leather and footwear industry expects the party, the government and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to continue supporting the industry in implementing trade promotion activities to highlight Vietnam’s leather and footwear industry as a destination for global buyers.

Mr. Dang Phuc Nguyen of the Vietnam Fruit and Vegetable Association acknowledged that trade promotion is very important in the export of vegetables and fruits in particular and the export of commodities in general. Trade promotion is like a “lighter”, to start a big fire there has to be a big lure.

The content of the article was published in Vietnam Economic Review No. 6-2023, issued on February 6, 2023. Welcome readers to read The:


Trade promotion becomes a


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By Martine

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