In fact, when you receive furniture deliveries, many situations can arise that can put you in precarious situations. Almost all of these positions are completely avoidable by simply knowing what to do when the driver arrives and, more importantly, what to do before they depart. Furniture purchases are usually far too expensive not to know this information, and the last thing you want is to be stuck with damaged or otherwise incorrect furniture. Here’s a little guide on how to handle furniture delivery from start to finish.
The first thing to do is make sure you’re there when the furniture arrives. While this may seem like common sense, many people let “others” take care of their furniture. Take the day (or half a day) off and make sure you get exactly what you were promised. You should also make sure that the delivery includes the setup. If your furniture delivery doesn’t include this service, then you need help from friends or family. The furniture delivery driver’s only responsibility is to get the delivery to the porch—not to the house, and certainly not to the final resting place. Therefore, you should make sure you have some people to help carry the furniture. If you have paid for this service, this is not a problem.
Once the furniture shipment arrives, be sure to inspect the boxes completely for holes, rips, and tears. Damage of any kind, also to the outer carton, must be noted and recorded. The reason is that if you find any damage on the furniture, it could become very important. This may have been caused in the delivery process or in the factory. If the outer packaging is damaged, the damage probably occurred during shipping. If the outer packaging is pristine, the damage likely came from the factory.
Before the delivery driver leaves, make sure you open and inspect every single piece of furniture. Do not sign any papers until you have done this from top to bottom. This means checking the frame, fabric, legs and function of the furniture. For example, if you have a recliner in the order, make sure you check the recline option to make sure it works perfectly. If not, then note this on the delivery note and contact the furniture company. A quick phone call to the furniture company is essential to the process as some will ask you to return the furniture.
If you don’t call and accept the furniture, some companies will claim that you accept the furniture as is. This is a dirty tactic, so protect yourself. Most reputable dealers will not attempt to shower you with damaged or otherwise incorrect furniture, but there is no harm in protecting your interests. This is done in a number of ways.
The first option is to inspect the furniture. The second is to document the issues in writing and over the phone. The third is for the furniture supplier’s driver to sign off on the damage. Some will object, but you should insist where possible. If in doubt, simply refuse delivery. If you feel deceived or forced into accepting damaged goods then you really should go with your gut. If the furniture company seems like they are going to stick the furniture on you, for example, you must refuse delivery. This is rare, but you should know that you have a right to what you have ordered. Don’t accept less.
Furniture suppliers are usually not employed by the furniture company and rarely have an interest of one kind or another. This is because their job is to deliver the furniture. No more and no less. Once they have delivered the furniture, they can move on to the next delivery. Because of this, they can push you through the process. Don’t allow them to do this. Take your time and make sure you get the furniture you ordered.
In the long run, most furniture companies will do the right thing. However, there is nothing wrong with protecting your interests, knowing your rights and empowering yourself. Know what you can and can’t do and check the furniture thoroughly. The last thing you want is to find damage after delivery. A precious few (although there are a few) furniture companies would then do anything to help you. Only the best furniture companies would bother with such things, so don’t risk it by skipping the process. If you do these things, your furniture delivery will go very smoothly and your rights will be protected.